Tomatis® Method

The Power of Sound and Music Therapies

Many children, teens, and adults face challenges due to auditory system disorders, impacting their daily lives.

Dr. Alfred Tomatis was a French physician and an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist who devoted his life to studying the close relationship between the voice, the brain, and the ear and his work has had a revolutionary impact on how an individual communicates with himself and others. Tomatis developed the method in the early 1950’s, while managing an acoustics lab of aeronautical factories as well as a private clinic. He grew up in a musical family and his father, an opera singer, often referred colleagues with impaired vocal cords to him. It was through treating the opera singers and factory workers work-related deafness that he noticed similar symptoms and recognized the correlation between the ear and the voice.

These experiences provided the foundation for developing the Tomatis ® Method and the three laws also known as the Tomatis Effect:

  1. “The voice can only reproduce what the ear can hear.”
  2. “If the hearing is modified, the voice is immediately and unconsciously modified.”
  3. “If the ear is conditioned sufficiently with one’s own good quality voice, the changes will have a lasting effect.”

The Tomatis Effect is his extraordinary discovery that identified the interrelationship between the ear and the voice. It is also through his work that we know that listening troubles are the root cause of many learning problems. In order to learn, you have to be able to listen. The work of Tomatis has revolutionized our understanding of the role our ears play in our day-to-day lives.

Air & Bone Conduction

Sound travels through air (air conduction) and bones (bone conduction). The Tomatis® Method uses special headphones to transmit sound through both pathways, enhancing auditory processing.

Through dual transmission—bone conduction followed by air conduction—it helps to improve listening and attention. This approach trains the brain to better analyse and focus on sounds, offering lasting improvements in auditory processing and overall listening skills.

Auditory Laterality

Like our hands and feet, one ear is dominant, processing information faster. The right ear connects to language and logic centres in the left brain, while the left ear connects to emotional and musical centres in the right brain. Ideally, children shift to right-ear dominance by age 6-7, but if this doesn’t happen, it can cause learning and emotional issues.

The Tomatis® Method helps correct ear dominance, improving auditory processing and emotional regulation. This can enhance language skills, logical reasoning, and reduce stress and anxiety, aiding in better everyday functioning.

The Mother’s Voice

By the 18th week of pregnancy, a fetus can hear and perceive balance, learning their native language from the mother’s voice transmitted through bone conduction. This early auditory experience is vital for brain development.

The Tomatis® Method uses recordings of the mother’s voice or Mozart’s music to recreate prenatal auditory stimulation. This helps children with emotional and developmental issues, supporting better emotional regulation and cognitive development.

How Can the Tomatis® Method Improve Your Life?

Children, teens, and adults may suffer from various difficulties linked to auditory system disorders.

Improving attention, concentration, focus, and memory
Developing language, speech, communication, and socialisation
Enhancing learning skills like reading and comprehension
Boosting self-awareness and confidence
Reducing anxiety and stress
Promoting better quality of life, including sleep and appetite

Research and Results

Our approach has been scientifically shown to be effective, in addition to the favorable outcomes we have produced for our clients and which have enhanced our reputation. The more places that the method can be applied, the more research is being done. As the auditory sensory message is crucial to an individual’s development, it is linked to a wide spectrum of illnesses.

Several public entities (ministries, research institutes, hospitals), universities, specialized associations, and foundations are among our scientific partners. Their cooperation guarantees the credibility and objectivity of the results that are provided to you in the accompanying tables, which provide a non-exhaustive overview.

What is the Tomatis® Method?

Sound Healing

Uses specific sounds to create vibrations that positively affect well-being. The “Mozart Effect” is a well-known example, suggesting that listening to Mozart's music for 10 minutes can enhance spatial-temporal reasoning.

Music Healing

Utilising the healing effect of music, this helps people express feelings and thoughts they find difficult to verbalise. This therapy encourages engagement and active participation through music creation, leading to positive health outcomes.

Sound Training

Inspired by Dr. Tomatis' work, this therapy uses music as a stimulus to identify and create frequencies tailored to the listener, promoting overall well-being.

Discover the Tomatis® Method

Experience the power of sound to enhance learning and development. Many people struggle with traditional learning methods, finding them dull and unengaging. But what if there was a way to harness the power of sound to unlock your full potential?